What A Ride…

What a ride, on this broomstick called life”, she said to no one in particular. Or did she just say it in her head? She wasn’t sure, but she was sure that this was the ride of her life, and to think, she brought it all on herself! Wow! It was a heavy concept. Never could she have imagined, years ago that this is where she would be, at 65! The number meant shit to her, it was how she felt that mattered and how she looked at this ride. It had taken a lot of course correcting to get to this point, but alas, alack here she was. None the worse for wear! She loved her life, and she was bound and determined to continue it along the same latitudes and longitudes, save for a few minor adjustments–after consulting her Compass Rose, she supposed. “At least, the point is no longer moot!” she exclaimed to whomever was listening—it seemed to be only herself, but that was okay, cuz it just confirmed what she was wanting her life to be—whizzing along at break neck speed on her NIMBUS 2012!  She could only imagine how fast the next quarter of her life would be, but she knew it would be great—she had proof! There was no doubt in her mind, that it was going to be exactly what she wanted, because after all, it was her life and she figured out she had more control over her journey than she’d been taught! She absolutely loved this!! It was phenomenal that not everyone had figured this out! “Everyone should, because it is the only way!” she exclaimed to the wall. “That’s what they all say, though, isn’t it?” She humbly resigned. “But, it is the only way we can truly live our lives, in concert with the Universe?” She half queried. “ OMG!! I can’t believe how wonderful it is to know that I do create my life…” Her head and her heart were filled to overflowing with this knowledge, once again.

About witchysw

I am a writer of words in poems and essays and stories.
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3 Responses to What A Ride…

  1. Thank you, Cynthia. The enthusiasm for life in this post is just so beautiful. I feel the same, most every day, just enthralled at the power of working with the Divine to create a fabulous life. And like the snail in the next post I do make my way. You are a beautiful writer with a touching message. Live on!

  2. tseringpalmo says:

    Cyndi… love your blog! Your writing touches my heart girlfriend.

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